By law, any school trip or outing conducted for an organization’s employees requires a security guard.

Sometimes several are needed based on the number of participants in the group.


What does tour and outing security involve?

Providing security for tours and outings involves two main areas: 

(1) the participants’ physical safety: in Israel countless events occur which require the accompaniment of security services. 

(2) Professional security services not only ensure that students or a group’s members follow a safe route but can also identify possible risks and decide together with the tour guide to alter the route as needed.

These decisions and actions are made to ensure the tour gets everyone safely to and from their start and finish points without injury.


How is a tour or outing secured?

From the security guard’s perspective, work begins by asking questions well before the trip. First, a general location question will clarify whether the trip is in northern, central or southern Israel. Specific questions on precise locations and questions about schedules will follow. The security guard will evaluate the risks at each location, working in cooperation with the tour guide.

An example would be dry bed creeks in the south which, at the start of winter, turn into flash floods that are extremely powerful and dangerous. Almost every year this aspect of nature trips airs on national news when disastrous tragedies occur due to insufficient awareness by trip organizers or guides of the current dangers.


What actions do security guards take during the tour?

The security guard begins the tour by first checking that there is no suspicious object on the bus or van being used for the trip before allowing anyone else on board. Once the group reaches a destination but before leaving the bus, the security guard is the first off to check the area. On walks through nature or creek areas, the guard must be at the lead with the group guide. If there is more than one security guard, others will join the midway and end points of the group along its hiking trail.

If you need professional guards with long term experience, contact us and we’ll provide you with the security guard whose experience perfectly suits your needs.


Derech Eretz Security Ltd is one of Israel’s leaders for tourism security, offering elite military forces quality, and skilled medical staff with experience in Magen David Adom. We want you to know that you can feel truly safe.

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Derech Eretz Security Ltd is one of Israel’s leaders for tourism security, offering elite military forces quality, and skilled medical staff with experience in Magen David Adom. We want you to know that you can feel truly safe.

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