Ever organized an event? If so, you’re familiar with the pre-event pressures: making sure the location is suitable, making sure the air conditioning is neither too cold nor too hot, setting up the entertainment program, ensuring everyone has arrived on time…

And yes, last minute changes also need to be taken into account.

With all that activity, you could end up forgetting the most critical element: the security guard for your event.

Why would you even need a security guard for something as simple, say, as granting certificates? That’s because your security people includes ushers who will work at the event itself, ensuring that everything is going as planned.

Do you have a limited number of places? Security guards at the entrance will ensure that only invited persons will enter. Not only are you providing your guests with security, but you simultaneously enjoy seeing your plans working out the way you intended.


What do security guards check prior to your event?

Making sure your event progresses as planned means that we need the maximum data you can give us about it. We’ll want to know who and how many people are participating: is it a mass event or just for handpicked guests? Where will it be held: in an open space or a closed hall? We organize our security team based on your chosen location.

What kind of event are you holding: a party, festival or wedding? Certain types of events require checking that only invited persons are allowed in. Others require us to primarily ensure that no one can be injured.

What do you, as the organizers, need to know? You need to be sure that the security company you’ve chosen holds all the required permits and licenses, such as authorizations allowing employees to carry and use weapons, and so on.

Last but not least: security for an event involves not only the physical guarding of your guests, but ensuring that the event progresses in an orderly fashion and has the appropriate range of staff on hand, from ushers to paramedics to security managers, for your peace of mind and your event’s success.


Derech Eretz Security Ltd is one of Israel’s leaders for tourism security, offering elite military forces quality, and skilled medical staff with experience in Magen David Adom. We want you to know that you can feel truly safe.

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Derech Eretz Security Ltd is one of Israel’s leaders for tourism security, offering elite military forces quality, and skilled medical staff with experience in Magen David Adom. We want you to know that you can feel truly safe.

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