Every school or educational institution recognized by the Ministry of Education is required to ensure that a minimum of one staff member is responsible for first aid. Children playing at school can become physically boisterous and easily be hurt. Sports activities are also a source of anything from minor damage to serious injury such as a broken arm or leg.

The designated staff member holds the authority to decide on the appropriate conduct in such events. The decision may call for immediate evacuation to hospital, or the first aid expert’s assistance may be sufficient.


What is required of the first aid staff member? Suitable training, of which there are multiple levels, from simple to comprehensive. We always recommend opting for the more extensively trained team member able to skillfully cope with a larger range of situations. 

In addition to ensuring that a member of staff undergoes the first aid course, the educational institution must also provide the first aid kit’s equipment. This includes various types of bandages and infection preventing ointments.


How does the designated staff member learn about first aid? The designated staffer must undergo a first aid course. 

These courses can be fascinating, or a total bore, depending on how the material is conveyed. We believe that only people who are themselves genuinely interested in applying the practical aspects of first aid practices make the best teachers, encouraging their students to test out each area of study. 

What is taught in a first aid course? Theoretical materials cover various body systems, the heart, the nervous system, injuries, psycho-emotional breakdowns and physical collapses, and more. Practical aspects teach resuscitation, and basics like the types of bandaging for various circumstances, stanching blood flow, applying splints, and when to avoid moving the injured person.

How long does the course last? Some are as brief as several hours. More comprehensive courses can require about 90 hours. Longer courses of some 200 hours are intended for people wanting more in-depth knowledge or interested in becoming paramedics.


No matter which staff member you’ve chosen to learn first aid practices and be responsible for first aid in your organization, make sure your staff member studies with teachers who are thorough, and know how to make the material interesting and relevant.


Derech Eretz Security Ltd is one of Israel’s leaders for tourism security, offering elite military forces quality, and skilled medical staff with experience in Magen David Adom. We want you to know that you can feel truly safe.

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Derech Eretz Security Ltd is one of Israel’s leaders for tourism security, offering elite military forces quality, and skilled medical staff with experience in Magen David Adom. We want you to know that you can feel truly safe.

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